About the Residency

TaylorTheroux is a collaborative team who create drawings that address the body, and how awareness affects our perceptions about our bodies.  Andrea Taylor lives in Vancouver, BC Canada, and Margery Theroux in Wyckoff, New Jersey. Their collaboration consists of mailing drawings back and forth. The residency creates the opportunity to take the collaboration to another level as they work in the same physical space for a duration of time. The artists will incorporate actual body movement and GoPro head mounted cameras to both document the work and create video works.

The artists are inspired by Maria Lassnig’s book “The Pen is The Sister of The Brush.” Her diaristic writings about making liminal spaces visible inform their collaboration.

“…to want the impossible, to go beyond skill, beyond the security of the real, into uncharted territory-a physical feeling that is difficult to define visually, where does it begin, where does it end, what shape is it, pointed, curved, zigzag. To explore this is like trying to fence in clouds, to pin down nebulous realms."  

Maria Lassnig, “The Pen is The Sister of The Brush”

MAPSpace Collaborative Workspace Residency Project, implemented in 2012, is a workspace residency offering space and time for artists to create collaborative new work- as exhibition, installation, performance, action, or other creative endeavor we haven’t imagined yet.

Collaborative Body Awareness Drawing 9, 2015, 18”x12”, mixed media on paper
Collaborative Body Awareness Drawing 3, 2015, 18”x12”, mixed media on paper
Collaborative Body Awareness Drawing 2, 2015, 18”x12”, mixed media on paper
Collaborative Body Awareness Drawing 1, 2015, 18”x12”, mixed media on paper
Andrea Taylor, Dance 22G, 2015, 18”x24”, charcoal on paper
Andrea Taylor, Dance 10B, 2015, 18”x24”, charcoal on paper
Andrea Taylor, Pay as You Go, 2014, 17”x12”, negative of a pencil drawing mounted on an LED light box
Andrea Taylor, It's Easier To Sail Around The World in a Coffee Cup, 2015, 20”x16”, oil and pencil crayon on panel.
Margery Theroux, Three Sisters, charcoal on paper, 15” x 20”, 2013
Margery Theroux, In a Crowd, photo print, sanded, charcoal and white chalk, 12”x 9”, 2014
Margery Theroux, Finding A Space, video still, 2014
Margery Theroux, Draw a Way Out, 2013, video