MAPSpace is an artist-owned and artist-driven space for curatorial exploration, exhibition, collaboration, and the gathering of ideas across discipline, philosophy, and art form.
MAPSpace exhibits painting, sculpture, prints, video, installation, performance, and engages in a dialogue with the fields of social practice, collaborative projects, DIY, circuit bending and Maker movements. MAPSace is committed to working in collaboration with artists to bring critical contemporary art and discourse beyond the expected centers into communities beyond.
MAPSpace Collaborative Workspace Residency Project, implemented 2012, is a workspace residency offering space and time for artists to create collaborative new work- as exhibition, installation, performance, action, or other creative endeavor we haven’t imagined yet.
MAPSpace - miranda arts project space, formerly Miranda Fine Arts, was founded in 1991 and re-founded in 2012 as a project space by artist, curator, and educator Patricia Miranda. Patricia Miranda is an artist, educator and curator, using interdisciplinary projects to make connections between art, science, history and culture. She also curates exhibitions in other spaces, and is always looking for collaborations especially with artist-run spaces.
If you run an artist-run space, or are an artist working on collaborative projects, and are interested in working with us -contact us at
Artist-Run Culture, while existing for many decades, is experiencing a conceptual and practical resurgence. Artist-generated spaces, projects, and collectives are a grassroots response to the specific needs of artists around questions of justice, ethics, and economic and environmental sustainability in the arts today. Artists respond with hands-on solutions, creating opportunities to innovate and collaborate, feed dynamic critical conversations, and build sustainable communities that nourish and support artists and our work. These projects tend to be small-scale, self-funded, nimble, and responsive, with activities that reach out to the larger community and bring art beyond the center. MAPSpace is proud to be artist-run and artist-focused.